Things we love about being a woman.

 It was International Women’s Day last week and I know the world will revert back to not celebrating women anymore now until next year but that’s not us. Here at JYO we celebrate women all year round and to prove that, today we will list all the reasons we love being a woman.

  1. It’s fun
  2. We’re cute
  3. Going to the bathroom together on night outs and at restaurants – it’s so cute that we do that isn’t it?
  4. We dress nice
  5. It’s cool that our periods sync so we can all suffer together
  6. The JYO Women’s Instagram is way more active than the JYO Men’s Instagram
  7. We live longer apparently
  8. We share the same gender as Rihanna
  9. Our shampoo smells nicer
  10. We have that song “Girls just wanna have fun” dedicated to us

Being a woman rocks every day! Here at JYO we celebrate you regardless of your gender, expression or identity and we think everyone should do the same.